Final Project Proposal: She’s Baaaack
The Brown Recluse in a Trailer.
Well folks, you might recall my project “The Brown Recluse” from last semester.
If not, I’m going to give a quick summary of her, and the cartoon world she lives in.
In 2016, I created an adult humor cartoon about serial killers. The premise? A town, ‘Anytown USA’, nice quiet, suburban town with a big twist — one street (Kan Way & Ball Ln (“Cannibal”)) is all serial killers. But wait, they’re just like us! It is a collection of unassuming characters like a husband & wife team with a 16-year-old daughter who happens to walk in on them killing people, and always yells, “stop EMBARRASSING me!”. There is going to be a gentleman who is really handsome and slick, but who is particular about composting (with dead bodies). The main character is a black widow, nicknamed “The Brown Recluse” for copyright reasons, and she is out challenging the patriarchy one body at a time.
This will be a trailer for the cartoon with her as the star.
The purpose of the trailer is to showcase this cartoon that I created 5 years ago, and to see my previous work build on itself. This cartoon is one that I wanted to become a full-blown series, but lacked the know-how on building it. The trailer will serve as a condensed version of how I envision the series. It will be around 30 seconds, and give us a look into the life of the Brown Recluse and the world of the inhabitants of Kan Way & Ball Ln.
I anticipate it being challenging to execute on complex other characters as she is the only character of which I created the most drawings. I also anticipate challenges in going more complex into Adobe Character Animator and After Effects.
This is another portfolio piece that I would like to end in a great, hilarious trailer. The trailer would be a great deliverable after noodling on this cartoon for so many years. I would like to show that I can execute on a wacky idea that I came up with from inception to final trailer.
I will be using Adobe Character Animator and After Effects. I will also have to finish up drawings of other characters, and actually get their mouths moving with voiceover snippets. I want this to be a 30 second trailer that that has a realistic effect, so hopefully the fidelity will be high.
I will need to look into script writing for a trailer, and figure out how it’s going to go based on what I would like to show.
So far, I have achieved creating a little video with voiceover of the Brown Recluse walking down the street, but now comes the next step of making it more final.
I might need help in After Effects, and for this reason I will be leaning on other classmates, tutorials, and RJ.